Victim & Family Advocacy

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If you or a family member are one of more than 8 million Americans providing care to an adult or adolescent with a mental health or substance use issue, you understand the highs and lows that accompany this role. The pride and relief that soar when your loved one is safe, stable and on a path of recovery. The fear that results when they are in crisis, unstable, and cycling through hospitals, jails, or periods of homelessness. We understand this and how often it can feel as if “the system” is against you.

My office understands how to respond in a mental health and substance use crisis. I also understand how to best navigate Washington State’s crisis services and criminal justice system. This can include representing families trying to steer someone into drug or mental health courts. Or breaking cycles of criminal recidivism where competency, mental health, or substance use are the primary factors.

Ferrero Law Firm also advises individuals and families who believe themselves to be wrongly involved in the involuntary commitment process and in some instances without just cause.

Unfortunately, this is a reality in Washington State.

Article :Free to check in, but not to leave: Patients seeking mental-health treatment in Washington have been held against their will or threatened with involuntary commitment”

I can advise you throughout what is often a traumatic and confusing process. Ask about my advisory hourly rate for any commitment issue.

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